What I most often need to edit..
The little things
What I actually spend most time on when I edit portraits are not what people might think; the face or re-sculpture the body (something I normally don’t do)
I often have to spend up to 90% on the things that few would notice at the time, but might notice afterwards
This photo below here, from my third trip in May, 2014 to Riga, Latvia, show some of the things that would annoy me if I didn’t get it removed. the price-tags underneath the shoes.
This actually took me a little while to remove. In addition to this I had to remove some spots on the floor and wall. Elizabeth needed little work as she was in my opinion already photo-shopped when she entered the studio ๐

Model: Elizabeth
What I normally don’t do
I do not normally reshape a person.
I try not to over-edit.
My “normal” edit process
I will document later a normal editing routine later and post it here. Stay tuned ๐
Tools I use
Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CC
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