I quit my part-time job!
I’ve had for nearly 8 years now, a part-time job that I really loved, working in a small cinema.
There are a couple of reasons why I yesterday quit that job, but the main reasons are:
- It occupies a lot of time, even on the days when I don’t work.
Working Friday nights and Sunday means I don’t really have full control over the Saturday that weekend. - I do actually need to rest sometimes ( average of around 25% of a full-time job)
- My revenue from my photography work has increased slowly, but steadily
- I’ve split the money I’ve made from this job into 3 parts
- Camera equipment and photography trips
- My core gear is set, there will always be new stuff I’d like, but for the most part, I have all the expensive gear I need.*
- Vacations with family
- Still want to travel more, but hopefully, this will sort itself out. (Kids! get a job and pay for your own tickets!)
- Repairs and upgrades to our house
- We’ve done some major upgrades and hope to do more, but also want to move to somewhere with a better climate.
- Camera equipment and photography trips

Why should you care or what does this have to do with photography?
I’m doing this to free up more time to photography and to edit.
I’ve missed a good deal of shoots due to conflicts with my cinema job, but now I can reply “available most afternoons/evenings and weekends” and to travelling models “I can host”.
Why now?
Yesterday I had a milestone. 100 days in a row with income from my books on Amazon. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate that ๐
So from July this year, I will only have 2 jobs. And if you’re thinking “wouldn’t you like to have just photography?” I’m not going to argue about that idea, but not quite there yet.
April 1st I left my main job
Huge thanks!
I can never say this too often, thank you very much to everyone who supports my work by buying my works or linking to my works. It motivates and lifts my spirit
* Note to wife: This does not mean I will not buy more gear.
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