“I should bring a model here” – photo vacation trip
The last couple of years I have repeatedly thought to myself “I should bring a model here” when I’ve been traveling on vacation or just a regular work related trips.
A few years ago I told myself to take more chances and follow my crazy ideas, that combined with a very supportive wife, things happen 🙂
A few days ago I asked my wife “how about you, I and a model travel to the Canary islands in February? We could rent a car and drive around shooting and relax at the beach and so on?”
Wife looked at me and asked “who do you have in mind?”
“Sinba” I replied.
Wife thought this over for the tiniest second and then nodded and said “yes, that sounds like a good idea. Do you think she wants to?”
She did want to join us on this photography vacation trip. She said she was going to start packing already 🙂
It was a bit of a puzzle to find a place where I could get planes to co-ordinate, but I found out that the most suitable place was to go to Gran Canaria, were wife and I have been once before, in 2012. That is actually 2 cameras ago… The photos shown here are from that trip and they were shot with a Nikon D5100.
We didn’t travel that much when we were there last, just a tourist buss trip, this time I will rent a car so we can get around a bit.
I will not plan everything down to detail about where we’ll go, but I do some research. Apart from the obvious shots near and on beaches there were quite a lot of interesting landscapes and nature that I think will work our really nice as a setting.