My 9th trip to Riga, Latvia if I still can count.
Another Riga trip over
This was, and just like on my first visit 5 years ago, during Riga day. So the city was packed with people that had come to celebrate and party.
Where did I stay? Dead center of Old Town… “oh no, I’ll never get any sleep” I thought to myself, but I actually had no problem. Even slept with windows open.
The Good
Finally got to use Osy studio. I’ve been wanting to use this studio for years, but since it’s not open during winter season, and not available other times, it hasn’t been possible before.
It really lived up to what I thought it would be, and I didn’t explore a fraction of the place.
Most of the models I worked with this time I had worked with before, one new: Rebeka. The shoot with Rebeka was a short one at the end of a very long day.
I also got to know two new Makeup Artists: Baiba Fröhlich & Liene Petersone
Day 1
- outdoor shoot with Aijule

Day 2
- Body paint shoot with Sinba

MUA: Liene Petersone
Day 3

MUA: Sinba
The Bad
Had a model that didn’t show up. Apart from me directly wasting quite a bit of money on studio rent and Makeup Artist for those hours, I also missed out on a shoot.
Adding all those things up, and the loss of potential income from this… grrr
I do hope to learn a bit from this, like not booking a huge studio with models I haven’t worked with before or that I really don’t know much about.
The Ugly
Coming home via Oslo Airport is always bad, but this new domestic transfer system they have… It’s really bad, if possible I would have avoided Oslo Airport at almost any cost for those that needs domestic transfer.