My goal originally was to complete my photography book from my trips to Riga before I returned, but the work takes a little longer than I expected, not that I’m in a very much of a hurry, but I did had hoped to bring copies with me. I expect I’m roughly halfway done, or perhaps a bit further. I will not include any work from this trip in the book, nor will I edit many of them before I’ve completed the book… That is a goal at least, I’m known to keep such “promises” I tell myself 🙂
Although he wasn’t with me physical on this trip, my good friend George Groot, is in many ways “responsible” for this trip as not only did he introduce me with two of the models I was lucky to work with, but he also gave me a tip on a photography studio I hadn’t heard of before; Yeko Photo Studio. I used the studio twice during the stay. Was very happy with the results and service I got.
Model: Lita LoteShot in Studio
While I was there another photography friend of mine was also in Riga and shot in another studio, we didn’t work together this time, but we met each evening and talked about what we both had done and looked over a few unprocessed photos, but mainly we just went out and had a meal and could talk photography for hours without anyone presents getting bored out of their minds 🙂
The photos I didn’t shoot in the studio was shot in the apartment I rented. I prefer renting apartments instead of hotels, not only do I find hotels boring and too predictable, but I do prefer to have a bit more room. I like to walk to the kitchen and make myself something to eat in the evening, and then walk to another room and eat it, not sitting in one tiny (or sometimes not so tiny, but still just one or two rooms). The cost of renting an apartment in Riga is way less than a hotelroom cost back home so…
How do I find apartments you might ask. Lately I’ve used Airbnb (if you use this link you’ll get a discount when you book with them, and so do I 🙂
Model: CandiceShot in apartment
Model: AliseElfShot in apartment